SARAJEVO, Bosnia (February 14,2008) – Nadja Dizdarevic, wife of Boudella el Hajj, one of six Bosnian citizens of Algerian origin,the members of so-called „Algerian Group“ who have been illegaly detained for the last six years in the U.S. Guantanamo prison, sent yesterday an open letter to the Bosnian Presidency and the Bosnian Council of Ministers, the Office of the International community's High Representative in Bosnia (OHR) and other authorized institutions in which she calls upon the urgent engagement in the implementation of the Road Map“, and making efforts in releasing six Bosnian citizens and getting them back to Bosnia.
Dizdarevic, at the same time invited the Bosnian Constitutional Court and Human Rights Commission to remember the decision which confirmed that the decision of the Chamber of Human Rights was not honored and that she asks for new visit of the Bosnian officials to the Guantanamo prison according to that decision which refusal of enforcement constitutes a criminal offense.
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