President Silajdžić emphasized that Bosnia was one of the rare countries in transition, where a universal approach to the documents that citizens need in their every day life is not possible. They stressed out that by the implementation of e-government project all state institutions in Bosnia would have an electronic approach to such documents, so obtaining identity card, passport, driver’s license or other necessary documents would only require filling in the applications, while the competent bodies would obtain the additional necessary documents, like birth certificate, certificate on citizenship, CIPS application and similar directly from the electronic e-government system.
President Silajdžić welcomed the HUAWEI’s decision to significantly increase the number of employees in the Sarajevo office and scheduled further meetings on e-government project with the company representatives, as during his stay in China, as well as after returning to Bosnia.
Tomorrow is scheduled a meeting with the management of the Chinese Economic Chamber and a visit to the zone for special purposes where the software production companies are located.
After arriving in the Beijing Airport, the Bosnian President Haris Silajdžić was welcomed by the China's officials, while he extended his kind words of friendship to his hosts, signed the book of impressions reserved for the Heads of States and Governments, for more than a hundred of them according to the announcement, who will attend the 29th Summer Olympic Games formal opening ceremony on Friday,Auguest 8th, 2008.