President Silajdzic talked about progress Bosnia made on its road towards NATO and the EU and pointed out the necessity of further reform processes especially when it comes to the Constitution in order to secure the full membership in all these institutions.
During the meeting with President Silajdzic, member of the Committee for Foreign Policy of the American Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee underlined the importance of continuous engagement of the United States in Bosnia and stated that it is especially important to secure equality of all Bosnian citizens in realizing their political and human rights.
Lee, who visited the Bosnian capital Sarajevo under siege in 1995,during the Serbian aggression against Bosnia, expressed her willingness to visit Bosnia in near future along with her colleagues from the US Congress.
Senator James DeMint, deputy chair of the Sub-committee for European Affairs underlined the importance of Bosnia's full membership to NATO and stated that the United States shall continue to fully support Bosnia on its road towards the EU integrations.
Helsinki Committee co-chair and member of the Committee for Foreign Policy of the US Senate, Senator James Cardin underlined the importance of the minority rights protection in Bosnia and stated that he as Senator shall help Bosnia to become a full NATO member as soon as possible.
At the special meeting with congressmen Marilyn Musgrave, Frank Wolf, John Boozman, Bob English, David Weldon, Joe Pitts and Christopher Smith they also discussed the issue of women’s rights in Bosnia, family life and rights of child.
All congressmen and senators unreservedly supported Bosnia's membership to NATO and the EU.