SARAJEVO, Bosnia (February 16,2008) – The Bosnian Council of Ministers in Sarajevo adopted,with majority votes,without the approval of the SDA Party,the draft law on Direction for Coordination of Police Authority and Agencies for Support to the Police Structure in Bosnia, as well as draft law on independent supervisory bodies of police structures in Bosnia.
Legislature office of the with majority votes is obliged to, based on the agreement of the Work Group for Police reform, prepare a draft law and send it to the Bosnian Parliament for discussion.
The Bosnian Council of Ministers Chair Nikola Spiric stated at the press conference that it is good that a level of agreement was preserved according to Mostar Declaration and expressed his expectations that this dedication will be shown by the Bosnian Parliament as well.
He pointed out the importance of these legislative projects on the road to EU with belief that representatives of Peace Implementation Council will be in opportunity to conclude the progress in this segment.
The Bosnian Council of Ministers adopted the presentation document if the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) which was proposed by the Bosnian Ministry of Defence. The Bosnian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is obliged to deliver this document to the Bosnian Presidency for further procedure.
The Bosnian Council of Ministers adopted the agreement on disposal of all rights and obligations of movable assets which would be used for defence needs and authorized Spiric to represent the Council in signing of this agreement after which it will be delivered to entity governments for adoption.
The Bosnian Council of Ministers also concluded the draft law on protection and saving of people and material goods in case of natural and other disasters in Bosnia.With this law, an operative communication center in Bosnia is introduced as well as a system of unique European number for emergencies 112.
As it was stated by Spiricr, by adopting these documents, that is draft laws, another step forward has been made in the Bosnian defence reform as well as in Bosnia’s road to full membership in NATO and signal was sent before the summit in Bucharest planned for beginning of April.
The Bosnian Council of Ministers also discussed on the draft law on salaries of the Bosnian government employees.
The Bosnian Council of Ministers also adopted the draft law on changing and amending the law on criminal procedure in Bosnia.Important changes and amendments of this law, which was forced by the International Community's High Representative in 2003 and later confirmed by the Bosnian Parliament came from the practice in which some earlier made legal solutions were hard to implement.
The Bosnian Council of Ministers also adopted the draft law on medications and medical aids.
The Bosnian Council of Ministers obliged the Bosnian Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees to prepare decisions on the naming of Board members of the Genocide Memorial Center Srebrenica-Potocari and cemetery of the genocide victims and deliver it to the Bosnian Council of Ministers by the end of February.