Al-Maznaee emphasized that the purpose of his visit was to discuss possibilities of improvement of cooperation between the OIC and Bosnia and initiation of the Bosnian officials to prepare a detailed information on the situation in the return sector in Bosnia.
Return process will be one of the main topics of the OIC heads of states conference chich will take place in March in Dakar. The participants are expected to discuss implementation of the Poverty Reduction Fund in the amount of 10 billion USD.
Halilovic presented the OIC officials with a detailed situation in the return sector and emphasized that in the following three years, the Bosnian Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees’ priority will be ensuring funds for sustainable return of 40.000 registered families who expressed willingness to return to their homes.Over one billion Bosnian Marks needs to be insured for that purpose.
Halilovic stated that the Bosnian Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees has detailed data on contrete persons who are in need of assistance for sustainable return.
En-Nur Swar Eddahab, the OIC Director of the Fund for Sustainable Return to Bosnia attended the meeting.