JAJCE, Bosnia (April 25,2008) – UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre confirmed that all the technical criteria necessary within the nomination file for enlisting the Bosnian town of Jajce to the World Heritage List have been fulfilled, the Bosnian State Commission to Preserve National Monuments has announced.This enabled successful completion of the first phase of the activities for enlisting of the Jajce historical core to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Jajce was the capital of the medieval Bosnian Kingdom.The medieval Bosnian royal town was the residence of the Bosnian Kings during the 15th century. The Bosnian King Stjepan Tomasevic was crowned in Jajce in 1461.
The first initiative for listing Jajce to the UNESCO World Heritage List originates form the year of 1979. The initiative was revived in 2005 and on February 1 2007, the Nomination File has been submitted to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris,France, in November 2007. .
SARAJEVO, Bosnia (April 25,2008) – The Bosnian Parliament's House of Representatives and House of Peoples ended discussions on Public RTV Service activities and audit reports on the institution’s financial management for the period from 2005 to 2006. The discussion ended in no concrete conclusions.
It has been agreed that the department parliamentary commissions of both the houses, on the basis of materials submitted by the Bosnian Foreign Affairs Ministry, make a final proposal of conclusions which will be voted on at one of the following sessions.
The Bosnian Parliament's House of Representatives and House of Peoples decided at the joint session not to discuss Information on the situation in the Bosnian diplomatic and consular offices.
It has been agreed that the discussion on this issue is postponed for a month and that in the meantime the materials submitted by the Bosnian Foreign Affairs Ministry is amended.
Delegates criticized the Bosnian State Presidency because nobody appeared at the session. The foreign police issues are in direct jurisdiction of the Bosnian Presidency. .
SARAJEVO, Bosnia (April 25,2008) – The International Book Fair jointly organized by Skenderija Centre, Sahinpasic Publishing and Association of Publishers officially opened in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo.
The Bosnian President Haris Silajdzic opened the Fair.
The Sarajevo Book Fair has become an important fact in the region. Together with the guests from the region, Bosnian publishers will present their books.
They are in by far most difficult situation compared to the neighbours. However, an encouraging fact is that Foundation of Libraries has been formed, so all the books written by Bosnian authors and translations will be purchased.
President Silajdzic emphasized that Sarajevo is the city in which culture has always been cherished and expressed hope that it will always remain like that. He emphasized hope that better conditions will be created for publishing and that authors will have a better status in Bosnia.
The fair will last until April 28. 220 presenters will participate. .
SARAJEVO, Bosnia (April 25,2008) – The Bosnian Council of National Minorities has been constituted in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo; Roma people’s representative Nedzad Jusic is President of the Council. His deputies are Slovenian Marija Grbic and Macedonian Vasilija Ibrahimagic are his deputies.
The Council will, within 60 days, pass the book of regulations, which will organize systematization, organization and program of this council.
There are currently 10 members at the Council. The Bosnian State Parliament confirmed their nomination in January.
Keeping in mind that there are 17 national minorities in Bosnia, the council will have additional seven members.
Members of the Council are elected at the proposal of Joint Commission for Human Rights, Rights of Children, Youth, Immigration, Refugees, Asylum and Ethics of BiH Parliamentary Assembly. The Assembly is obliged to consult the national minorities’ councils in the process of election of the council’s members, as well as other NGOs that deal with national minorities.
The Bosnian National Minorities Council is an advisory body which will give opinions, advice and proposals to the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, which are concerned with rights, position and interest of national minorities in Bosnia. .
WASHINGTON, USA (April 25,2008) – Without signing of the Dayton Agreement in 1995, Al-Qaeda would have probably planned the attack against WTC on September 11,2001 from Bosnia, not from Afghanistan, former US diplomat,who wholeheartidly supports the existence of the genocidal fascist Serbian aggressor's creature in Bosnia "RS",Richard Holbrooke wrote in his mothnly column in the Washington Post.
”We were concerned with the presence in Bosnia of a little-known group of Islamist extremists who would later become infamous as al-Qaeda. In the Dayton Agreement, we required their removal and gave NATO the right to attack them. Without Dayton, al-Qaeda would probably have planned the Sept. 11 attacks from Bosnia, not Afghanistan ”, Richard Holbrooke, chief architect of the Dayton Agreement stated in his column. He recently visited Bosnia.
However, many experts say that 9/11 was an inside job meant to bring about a permanent state of emergency in the United States and pave the way for the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and ultimately Iran and Syria,and that the “Bin Laden”, the entire Al-Qaeda, is American-made from the start till the end, and there is nothing called Al Qaeda.
Watch the following documentary called "Loose Change" (2005) to find out more.It is a documentary film written and directed by Dylan Avery, and produced by Korey Rowe with Jason Bermas. It claims that the September 11, 2001 attacks were planned and conducted by elements within the United States government, and bases these claims on perceived anomalies in the historical record of the attacks.
SARAJEVO, Bosnia (April 25,2008) - The Italian UniCredit Group is the banking market leader in Bosnia, with assets of 4.1 billion Bosnian Marks by the end of 2007, and market share of 21 per cent.
Hypo Grupa is the runner-up, with assets of 4.09 billion Bosnian Marks and 20.9 per cent market share by the end of 2007. Raiffeisen is third with assets of 3.8 billion Bosnian Marks and market share of 19.4 per cent.
The fourth largest banking group operating in the Bosnian market is NLB Grupa (1.8 billion Bosnian Marks in assets, market share of 9.2 per cent), followed by Volksbank (1.7 billion Bosnian Marks, 5.4 per cent). Intesa San Paolo is sixth with 955 million Bosnian Marks in assets by the end of 2007, and market share of 4.8 per cent. The six hold more than 80 per cent of the Bosnian banking market. .
SARAJEVO, Bosnia (April 25,2008) - The agreement signed by the Bosnian and Russian officials in New York in September last year regulating the travel of their citizens will come into force on May 1, cancelling visas trips from Bosnia to Russia, and the other way round.
The regulations reffer to travelling for business, professional, scientific, educational, training, cultural, sporting, medical and private purposes, for a period no longer than 90 days. The Bosnian citizens seeking employment in Russia will need a visa. .
SARAJEVO, Bosnia (April 25,2008) - Executive secretary of the Bosnian Banking Association Mijo Misic said in a press conference that the pre-tax profit of the country's banks was 160 million Bosnian Marks last year, with total revenue of 1.53 billion Bosnian Marks. Their total assets have increased to 19,679,000,000 Bosnian Marks.
In the same period, the deposits of citizens increased from 4.2 billion Bosnian Marks to 5.3 billion Bosnian Marks, while the deposits of companies grew at a high 40 per cent rate and reached 9.5 billion Bosnian Marks. This shows that the trust banking customers have in the system in growing, Misic said.
It is the Association’s opinion that Bosnia is not indebted too much, with 11.5 billion Bosnian Marks borrowed from the banks in 2007. .
BAKU, Azerbaijan (April 25,2008) - According to the Association of Football Federation of Azerbaijan (AFFA), the Azerbaijani national team, headed by Berti Fogts, German coach, will play against Bosnia on 1 June.
The match will be the fourth test game for Azerbaijani team in 2008. The first game, headed by Joko Hajiyevski, was against Kazakhstan (0:0) in Anatolia, second game against Lithuanian team, was headed by Nazim Suleymanov, in Vilnius (0:1).
Azerbaijani national team will play against Andorra before the games against Bosnia. .