Political Directors of the PIC Steering Board met in Sarajevo on 24 and 25 June. The representatives of the Bosnian government and the Bosnian State Parliament as well as the leaders of Bosnia's governing political parties were present at parts of the meeting.
The PIC Steering Board welcomed the significant progress that has been made by the authorities in Bosnia since their last meeting in February, in particular the adoption of State-level police legislation, which enabled Bosnia to sign the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU on 16 June.
The members of the PIC Steering Board stressed that Bosnia as a “peaceful, viable state irreversibly on course for European integration” remains their longstanding objective. They also reminded the country’s authorities of the decision they took on 27 February 2008 that they must deliver five objectives and two conditions prior to the transition of the Office of the Internationa Community's High Representative in Bosnia (OHR) into the Office of the EU Special Representative (EUSR).
"The signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement represents a major step forward in Bosnia’s relations with the EU. In this respect it is more important than ever for political leaders and the institutions at all levels to support efforts to build amodern, efficient state that can take its place in the EU. Political leaders should not allow the forthcoming elections to dampen this momentum.
Bosnia as a “peaceful, viable state irreversibly on course for European integration” remains the longstanding objective of the PIC Steering Board and it reminds the authorities of the decision it took at its meeting on 27 February 2008, that the five objectives and two conditions must be delivered by the Bosnian authorities prior to OHR-EUSR transition. Until such time as the PIC Steering Board determines the five objectives and two conditions are delivered, OHR will remain in place and continue to carry out its mandate under the Dayton Peace Agreement, ensuring full respect of the Peace Agreement,",he PIC Steering Board said in a press rlease.
The PIC Steering Board also welcomed the Bucharest NATO Summit decision in April 2008 to begin an intensified dialogue with Bosnia.
The signing of the SAA delivers the first of the two conditions for OHR-EUSR transition. The PIC Steering Board welcomed this positive development as well as the progress that has also been made by the authorities in Bosnia to deliver the five objectives. The most notable progress that has been made includes:
On Objective Two - Acceptable and Sustainable Resolution of Defence Property: An agreement on the transfer of movable defence property was signed in March.
On Objective Three - Completion of the Brcko Final Award: a new education law and amendments to the Statute, Assembly Rules of Procedure, and election law promoting inter-ethnic cooperation and minority representation have been enacted in line with the Final Award.
On Objective Four - Fiscal Sustainability: a Law on the National Fiscal Council has been passed by both Houses of the Bosnian State Parliament and the Bosnian Indirect Taxation Authoritity (ITA) Governing Board has agreed an ITA co-efficient methodology.
On Objective Five - Entrenchment of the Rule of Law: the Bosnian Law on Stay and Movement of Aliens and Asylum has been adopted and rule books are being prepared. The National Justice Sector Reform Strategy has been finalised and adopted by the Council of Ministers, Brcko District and entities. In addition to this, the Bosnian Prosecutor’s Office is finalising a draft War Crimes Strategy.
Much has been achieved, and it is now time for the political leaders and authorities in Bosnia to fulfil the remaining criteria for the five objectives and two conditions to be delivered in full. Once the PIC Steering Board decides that the five objectives and two conditions have been delivered in full, then it would be in a position to take a decision on the transition. In this respect, the PIC Steering Board highlighted a number of specific points it expects the Bosnian authorities to address as priorities:
On Objective One - Acceptable and Sustainable Resolution of the Issue of Apportionment of Property between State and other levels of government: the Steering Board notes the four-year failure of the State and entity authorities to reach an agreement on the first objective, thereby necessitating the High Representative yet again to extend the ban on disposal of State Property It is now time for political leaders tobuild on the progress they have made in other areas and to take the lead and to reach an agreement on this matter that enables the State to conduct its constitutional responsibilities.
On Objective Two - Acceptable and Sustainable Resolution of Defence Property: the approval of an agreement on transfer of immoveable defence property by the state and entity governments that meets the needs of the Bosnian Ministry of Defence and the Bosnian Army.
On Objective Three - Completion of the Brcko Final Award: the political leaders and competent authorities to make concrete progress towards adopting adequate legal protections vis-à-vis Brcko District’s relationship with the state and entities.
On Objective Four - Fiscal Sustainability: the competent authorities to complete the adoption of the Law on the National Fiscal Council and the establishment of the National Fiscal Council.
]On Objective Five - Entrenchment of the Rule of Law: the competent authorities to completethe drafting and adoption of the National War Crimes Strategy. Rhetoric and efforts to undermine state-level judicial institutions are inconsistent with this objective.
The PIC Steering Board also reminded Bosnia's political leaders and the authorities of the need to fulfil the second condition, a positive assessment of the situation in Bosnia by the PIC Steering Board based on full compliance with the Dayton Peace Agreement. To fulfil this condition, it remains crucial that Bosnia's political leaders fully comply with the Dayton Peace Agreement avoiding any inflammatory statements or action that would threaten or violate the Peace Agreement.
The PIC Steering Board re-emphasised that an entity cannot withdraw unilaterally from a previously agreed reform. The consolidation of state-level institutions must continue and the undermining of these same institutions must end. Statements and actions that undermine the state or seek to roll back reforms will not be tolerated by the PIC Steering Board and the High Representative, and may be acted upon accordingly. They will also be considered by the PIC Steering Board when assessing the situation. The Steering Board also expects that the upcoming municipal elections will be in accordance with international standards and legal requirements, and that pre-election rhetoric and activities will remain acceptable.
The PIC Steering Board also underscored its full support for the High Representative to facilitate accomplishment of these objectives and conditions in a manner consistent with the overall goal of entrenching reform and ensuring Bosnia meets its commitments for Euro-Atlantic integration. The PIC Steering Board requested the High Representative to undertake all appropriate measures to ensure that the above objectives are met.
The PIC Steering Board underlined that Bosnia is an internationally recognised sovereign state whose territorial integrity is guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Agreement.The Steering Board remains fully committed to the Dayton Peace Agreement.
The PIC Steering Board underlined that the International Community retains the necessary instruments to counter destructive tendencies and that it will not allow attempts to undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement, whether from inside or outside Bosnia.
"All signatories and parties are obliged under Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement to cooperate fully with the High Representative." the PIC Steering Board said.
The PIC Steering Board reiterated the view that a reinforced EUSR Office would constitute an important part of the EU’s comprehensive engagement after OHR. The Steering Board looks forward to a continued exchange of information on the respective planning processes at the next meeting of the Steering Board.
The PIC Steering Board welcomed the apprehension of ICTY indictee,Serbian war criminal Stojan Zupljanin on 11 June and cites it as evidence that indicted war criminals can be found and apprehended.
The PIC Steering Board calls upon the competent authorities inside and outside Bosnia to abide by their Dayton and wider obligations under international law by cooperating fully with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), playing a proactive role in apprehending all remaining indictees – including Serbian war criminals Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic,charged with genocide by the ICTY, without further delay, dismantling their support networks and ensuring indictees are transferred to the ICTY, as well as addressing witness protection issues.
The PIC Steering Board said that the Bosnian Constitution must evolve in order to ensure that the state is functional, efficient, and capable to meet the challenges of EU integration. The need for constitutional changes has been widely recognised inside and outside the country, including by Bosnia’s political leaders. The PIC Steering Board repeated its support for domestic efforts on constitutional changes.
The PIC Steering Board noted that Ambassador Bond’s mandate as the High Representative’s Envoy for the Srebrenica Region will end on 11 July. The Steering Board thanked him for all his efforts in that capacity to improve the situation for the residents of Srebrenica and the surrounding area.
The PIC Steering Board noted the need to continue coordination of the international support for Srebrenica. The Steering Board calls on the authorities at all levels in Bosnia to continue their efforts to improve the every day lives of the people of Srebrenica and to ensure that justice is done for the genocide that have been committed there by the genocidal Serbian fascist aggressor during the 1992-1995 Serbian aggresion against Bosnia.
In the spirit of pragmatism that prevailed at the time of the Srebrenica amendments to the Bosnian Election Law, the PIC Steering Board expects all parties to utilise the opportunity provided by the forthcoming elections to propose candidates who can actively contribute to the integration and prosperity of the Srebrenica community.
The PIC Steering Board also expressed its condolences to the European Union Force in Bosnia (EUFOR) and to the families of the victims of the recent helicopter crash. It commended the contribution that EUFOR personnel continue to make ensuring a safe and secure environment in Bosnia.
The next meeting of Political Directors of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board will take place in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo on 20 and 21 November 2008.