“We discuss this issue almost every day with representatives of the judiciary … and we will not give up on this,” he said.
Asked when Bosnia might join the European Union, Lajčák said:"The speed at which the process advances will depend on Bosnia.”
He recalled that Bosnia first needed to sign the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union and appealed to the Bosnian citizens to demand that no time is wasted in this process.
Answering a question on the future of the Office of the International Community's High Representative in Bosnia (OHR), Lajčák described his mandate as “a guarantee that nobody can divert Bosnia from the right path” and expressed his preference for a “natural and harmonious” transition from the mandate of the High Representative to an exclusively European mandate. For this to happen, an atmosphere needs to be created in which interventions by the High Representative are “less and less needed”.
Miroslav Lajčák’s full answers are available in Bosnian on http://www.reci.ba, in video format under the heading “Lajčák odgovara”.
The website http://www.reci.ba was launched as part of the OHR’s campaign on the EU perspective of Bosnia and allows the Bosnian citizens to voice their opinion on the process of Bosnia’s integration into the European Union, the OHR said.