TIRANA, Albania (December 6,2007) - The Bosnian Ministry of Communications and Transport delegation lead by Deputy Minister Veselin Poljasevic participated at a conference on development of the basic regional transport network in the Southeastern Europe in the Albanian capital Tirana.
The conference, organized by the European Commission and the Southeastern Europe’s Commission and the Southeastern European Secretariat for Transport Observance, assembled ministers or deputy ministers of transport in the Southeastern Europe, namely, from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia,Kosovo. Montenegro and Serbia, as well as the European Commission, World Bank, the European Investment Bank and European Reconstruction and Development bank.
The conference was held in accordance with the conclusions presented in the Memorandum of Understanding for Development of the Southeastern Europe’s Transport Network Development, signed by all the governments June 11 2004 in Luxembourg, as well as the European commission.
During the conference the Southeastern European Ministers of Transport signed in Tirana,Albania, the Addendum of Memorandum of Understanding on SE Europe Regional Transport Network Development in the Railways Sector, together with a resolution.
The Addendum is a step forward in the reaching of goal aimed to ensure regional cooperation in the railways sector. Implementation of legal and institutional frame for opening markets of railway transport in the Southeastern Europe is the goal.
European commission’s offices will supervise the progress estimates in the sense of fulfillment of goals defined in the Addendum.
The Bosnian Deputy Traffic and Communications Minister Poljasevic talked in his expose about the activities taken in the sector of road, railways and water transport in Bosnia.
He added that a policy is being developed, as well Action Plan and transport development strategy. These documents will enable long-term planning and investments in all sectors of transport.
He also emphasized that the basic principles of the EU guidelines related to creation of a unique transport market represent a permanent transport market in Bosnia.