"All evidence and records at hand indicate that Holbrooke was an accomplice in the genocide," the lawyer told the Azerbaijani Trend News Agency.
“But certainly Holbrooke aided and abetted war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing by Karadzic against the Bosnians,” Boyle, who was official juridical advisor for Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic and the representative of Bosnian Government at the International Court, said.
On 31 July, speaking to the Hague Tribunal,Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic, stated there is an agreement between him and Holbrook, former representative of the United Stated in the UN, who is very often "credited" to be the architect of the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement,but should be actually fully credited for helping the genocidal Serbian fascist aggressor commit genocide against Bosnians by ,first of all,supporting the criminal arms embargo against Bosnian government that left Bosnia and the Bosnian people without basic means to protect themselves during the 1992-1995 Serbian,Montenegrin and Croatian aggressions against Bosnia and by forcing the Bosnian leaders in 1995 to "legalize" the genocidal Serbian fascist creature in Bosnia "RS".
“In 1996, Holbrooke proposed me to abandon the public life and the United States would fulfil its obligations instead,” said Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic.
U.S. State Department denied the statement. According to an official of the U.S. State Department Sean McCormack, Holbrooke did not conclude any agreement with Karadzic.
However,lots of facts prove there was an agreement between American fascist Richard Holbrooke and Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic.
Brother of Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic, Luka Karadzic confirmed there is a bygone agreement between Karadzic and Holbrooke, Interfax, a Russian non-governmental news agency ,reported.
Boyle is confident there is much truth in Karadzic’s statement.
“Of course I was not privy to any personal conversations between Holbrooke and Karadzic. But certainly Holbrooke aided and abetted war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing by Karadzic against the Bosnians,” Boyle said.
“Holbrooke should be on trial in The Hague with Karadzic as an accomplice in the genocide,” he said.
Moreover, the attorney is confident the same is true for Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Kofi Annan, Yasushi Akashi, David Owen, Thorvald Stoltenberg, and Carl Bildt.
Boyle said it would be very inconvenient for all of these individuals and their Masters for Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic to defend himself they way he apparently plans to do so.
"Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic knows everything about how Western ‘mediators’ promoted his crimes," said Boyle.
“So I will be keeping a close eye on these war crimes proceedings in order to use this new information against these people on behalf of my clients the Mothers of Srebrenica,” said Boyle.
The task of the Bosnian association of genocide survivors from the eastern Bosnian town of Srebrenica "the Mothers of Srebrenica" is to search for more than 10,000 Bosnian civilians from Srebrenica missing in European largest massacre, committed by the genocidal Serbian fascist aggressor, on July 11, 1995.
The lawyer is sure that but he will be able to use his new information against these Western ‘mediators’ and diplomats in order to hold them accountable to his clients for the massacre.
“At the end of the day Karadzic will be spending the rest of his life in prison, where he should have been for quite some time in any event,” Boyle said.
Professor Boyle was the one who convinced the former ICTY Prosecutor Carla DelPonte to indict Serbian war criminal Slobodan Milosevic for every crime in the ICTY Statute, including genocide.
According to lawyer, earlier the arrest of Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic was undesirable, but possible for West.
"During the peace negotiations, Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic has been given visas to come and negotiate in Geneva. And in New York. The State Department let Karadzic come to New York to the Vance-Owen carve-up negotiations, with a US visa. The State Department was obliged under the Geneva Convention to apprehend Karadzic," Boyle said.
"The US had an absolute obligation to apprehend Karadzic if he showed up in New York, and to open an investigation, and to prosecute,instead, they're giving him a visa and secret service protection in New York," he said.
“They defended war criminals and those who committed genocide. These are big powers,” Boyle said.