"Mister Sulejman Tihić wants to be seen as the person who opposes, as said, “Dodik’s ultimatums”. In reality, it is completely different and facts prove it, facts which were expressed in the public several times, as well as at the last meeting of political leaders in Široki Brijeg.
At the mentioned meeting of political leaders held on 02.02.2008, Mr. Dodik ultimately demanded that the Dayton Agreement should be the basis for discussions on constitutional reform, which Mr. Tihić accepted and has even insisted on the “April package” of constitutional amendments that were turned down in the Bosnian Parliament and that the voters have come out against by a great majority at the plebiscite at the elections. The aim of the proposal and of that which was stimulated by this proposal, is the definite confirmation of the existing state and in so doing, imposing the amendments of the “April package” contrary to the expressed will of citizens. The safest way not to change the existing structure is to confirm that structure with a new law. This act in fact ensures the implementation of the “April package” of constitutional amendments underhandedly, i.e. trough police reform.
Dr Haris Silajdžić refused the Dayton Agreement as the basis for discussions with an explanation that the Dayton Agreement was made by violating the international law and all civilization norms.
Additionally, Mr. Tihić at first refused the Protocol for police reform of the High Representative, and then he accepted it. Mr. Silajdžić refused the Protocol, justifying his decision by saying that the Protocol explicitly confirms the RS Entity Police Department.
The Mostar Declaration is not Dodik’s proposal but of Mr. Silajdžić, which does not confirm, or even mention entity police, because it clearly reads “the local level, as a part of the unified Bosnian police structure, will be regulated after the constitutional reform, in accordance with the three principles of the European Commission and the Mostar Declaration…” and its details will be defined trough the two basic laws: the Bosnian law on police service and the law on police Officers.
The SDA representatives’ proposal confirm the entity police with the new law and in so doing, they confirm the entity division in the new Constitution. The SDA’s proposal is organizing, focusing and coordinating the state and entity-level police and the Brčko District police, in performing security tasks in the interest of Bosnia. At the meeting of political leaders in Široki Brijeg, Mr. Tihić also explicitly said he would accept the RS Entity Ministry of Interior and the FBiH Entity Ministry of Interior, which did not comply with the previously expressed views of the SDA leadership.
The Mostar Declaration and the Action Plan avoid the confirmation of the entities, the entity police and they simultaneously create conditions for signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement with European Union, which is the priority task of Bosnia at this moment.
In other case, the SDA proposal confirms the entity police; it prejudices the Constitution in the sense of entity division and it endangers the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union." a press release from the Cabinet of Bosnian Presidency Member Dr Haris Silajdžić stated.