SARAJEVO, Bosnia (February 19,2008) – Commission for Financing and budget of the Bosnian Parliament's House of Representatives supported the draft law on BiH institutions and international obligations budget for 2008 with five accorded amendments which were adopted.
These amendments put the framework of the draft law for the Bosnian state budget for 2008, adopted by BiH Presidency, in the set of budget draft, adopted by the Bosnian Council of Ministers on January 17 in the amount of 1.186.357.560 Bosnian Marks, and according to conclusions of the Bosnian Parliament's House of Representatives from the last session.
At the same time, in relations to the budget draft for 2008 adopted by the Bosnian Council of Ministers, gross salaries and compenasions for all budget users are decreased by 6.3 percent.
The Bosnian Presidency confirmed the draft law on the Bosnian state budget for 2008 according which it would amount to 1.231.357.560 Bosnian Marks. However, House of Representatives adopted the conclusion ordering the Commission for financing and budget to, in cooperation with the Bosnian Ministry of Finance in the amendment phase conclude a budget draft which would have such assets structure in which assets from JR UIO for financing of the Bosnian state institutions instead of proposed 710.000.000 Bosnian Marks would be 675.000.000 Bosnian Marks and total budget would amount to 1.186.357.560 Bosnian Marks, which was the previous proposition of the Council of the Ministers.
In the second conclusion of House of Representatives it is stated that structure of liabilities would encompass the Bosnian Presidency propositions in the amounts accorded with the Commission and the Ministry of Finance and Vault as well as department ministries – Minsitry of Human Rights and Refugees, Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of External Trade and Economic Relations.
Commission also finalized consults with the Council of the Ministers and based on that accorded five amendments adopted and in compliance with conclusions of House of Representatives.
House of Representatives should vote on the draft law on the Bosnian state budget for 2008 at the session scheduled for Wednesday, February 20.