Saturday, January 12, 2008


ZIVINICE, Bosnia (January 12,2008) – Zivinice Municipal Council held a special session for the purpose of deciding on the destiny of 34.320 kilos of toxic materials which are still stored in location of former American army base Comanche. Toxic material is in fact acetic acid which could be destroyed properly in only few facilities in Europe, with high transport and disposal costs.

Delegates agreed that this is a ticking bomb in an urban settlement. They decided that this toxic waste has to be relocated within 30 days from this area. This request was sent to all authorized institutions.

”In case our demands are not met we will have to call citizens on civil disobedience", stated Mayor Hasan Muratovic.

In February 2004 by the order of municipal court in Tuzla, officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tuzla Canton completed the storage of the acetic acid into one of the hangars of the military base Comanche. Acid was packed into 156 plastic barrels which were taken from Fuad Bektic and others, who committed criminal act of poison trafficking.

With the verdict of municipal court in Tuzla in May 2005, Fuad Bektic was sentenced with security measures and dangerous toxic material was confiscated in order to be destroyed.

There are only few facilities where these types of toxic materials can be destroyed and transport and disposal costs amount to over 700.000 Bosnian Marks.

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