Tuesday, September 9, 2008


SARAJEVO, Bosnia (September 9,2008) - According to the official figures released by the Bosnian State Employment Agency, there were 488,433 registered unemployed persons in the country in July. Compared to the month before, their number dropped by 1,095 (0.22 per cent).

In the past year, the number of the unemployed fell by seven per cent. In July 2007, there were 525,175 registered people without a job. 50.18 per cent of the unemployed are women.

According to the Bosnian State Statistics Agency, there were 775,228 employed people working in Bosnia in July (increase of 0.5 per cent compared to May 2008).


Anonymous said...

According to Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina annual report for 2007, the number of unemployment in 2007 was 347.000 and the number of employment 849.000 which makes an unemployment rate around 29%, significantly lower than approximately 38% if we consider the number of this article. Which data is true? Data of CB of BiH or Statistical agency report? (Actually in the web page of Statistical agency of BiH unemployment rate is 29%).

Stamoulis George, Ioannina, Greece

Anonymous said...

The data used in this article compares unemployment in July,2008 and 2007...not the average unemployment rate for the whole year(s).

Unemployment rate of 29% on the Bosnian State Statistics Agency website refers to the average unemployment rate in 2007,which is different from the unemployment rate in July 2007 and 2008.