Friday, May 9, 2008


SARAJEVO, Bosnia (May 9,2008) - Giuseppe Rechhi, General Electric’s South East Europe Director, announced this company’s interest in power generation projects in Bosnia, as well as in cooperation in the production of medical equipment and infrastructural developments.

He had a meeting in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo with the FBIH entity prime minister Nedzad Brankovic.They expressed interest for business cooperation in several sectors.

Recchi informed Brankovic about potentials and scope of business of the “General Electric” Company and ehxpressed a wish to cooperate with the Bosnian authorities in several ways.

Together with the projects related to the electric energy, there are several other sectors, like production of medical equipment, infrastructural development, networking with other partners and so on.

Brankovic presented the government’s ambitious projects of development, including the electric energy projects and transport sector, water management and other branches of economy. He marked that as a turning point in the future economic growth.

”In the following several years, realization of construction of new electric potentials and travel infrastructure, as well as realization of several other projects at the local level, will ensure mass employment and equal living conditions in all areas of the FBIH entity”, Brankovic said.

He emphasized that new meetings with the American partner will be organized.

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