In the past, local media have occasionally touched upon the possibility of oil deposits under Bosnia. According to several Bosnian experts, British Petroleum (BP) and American Oil Company, AMOCO, now also part of BP, were interested in potential oil resources in Bosnia before the 1992-1995 Serbian,Montenegrin and Croatian aggressions against Bosnia.
In cooperation with these two companies, one of the biggest Bosnian construction companies, Energoinvest, carried out a research which proved the existence of oil pools in the northern region of Posavina, as well as in several locations in the south.
Basic says that Energoinvest still has the original report which indicates that Bosnia may have oil resources as big as Saudi Arabia or Iraq.
Yet even after the end of the war, neither the Bosnian government nor international companies showed interest to continue with the research. However this may be changing with the recent skyrocketing of oil and food prices on global markets.
“First barrels of oil from Bosnia could be excavated as soon as the next 15 years, under the condition that local governments have an interest in this,” Basic stated.
Now Bosnia will have to get "liberated" just like Iraq did. :)
Liberated? That will never happen. Nobody is going to come in and dare to do that. Bosnia has a lot of support behind them.
how do you figure that.. America is a 2 faced country... first they helped the serbs(fags) kill bosnians, then they team up with bosnians, then back to serbs, then back to bosnians..
The US is a part time Alie, Bosnia will be invaded by the us.. who knows another Sept 11 might happen, and they will plant in on bosnia this time.... OR wait we might have Weapons of MASS destruction.. they just wont find them.
Well - the US was already in Bosnia - so all they have to do is cause another war as an excuse to come back but ... they'll wait until the infrastructure is built to exploit it first ...
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