Monday, December 17, 2007


SARAJEVO, Bosnia (December 17,2007) – As a part of the “Improving Position of Children and Youth in Bosnia” Program aimed to strengthen entrepreneur capacities of young people in Bosnia, a new loan line has been formed for the purpose of offering the young people throughout Bosnia to get loans and develop their own business.

According to the Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency’s information, micro and small entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 35 will be able to get these loans if they will initiate their business in Bosnia.

Production activities, export-oriented business, environment protection and tourist promotion activities will have an advantage.

Loans are ranging from 5.000 Bosnian Marks and 30.000 Bosnian Marks. Credit is 5-years long and there is a grace period of six months. Interest rate is 6,2 per cent annually.

Network of the partner organizations ofthe Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency (SERDA), the LINK Mostar Association for Entrepreneurship and Business, the NERDA, U.G. TALDI, the Sinergia Association, the CeBEDA and others will offer support to the young entrepreneurs in Bosnia.

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