Monday, December 31, 2007


SARAJEVO, Bosnia (December 31,2007) - As during New Years’ celebrations the usage of explosive devices and pyrotechnic tend to increase, the Bosnian Law Enforcement Agencies appeal on citizens to respect the provisions laid down by law about selling and using of such devices in public places.

The police units are also warning that careless and incompetent explosive device and pyrotechnic usage can cause serious body injuries, beside the fact, that the usage of such dangerous materials without proper request from authority bodies can also have legal consequences.

“According to the law, the fine for using, selling or offering different kinds of explosive devices amounts from 300 to 900 Bosnian Marks, while the sentence for failing to fulfil the obligation in taking care of underage children costs 400 to 1.200 Bosnian Marks”, stated the Canton Sarajevo Ministry of Interior.

Firecrackers detonation causes up to 120 decibel laud bluster, which can cause permanent hearing damage. If a device explodes on a distance shorter than one meter, it can also cause burnings.

The police officers in whole country are undertaking several measures and activities in order to prevent health damaging and legal consequences for the citizens by:

- Intensifying the supervision of public places where huge gatherings are going to be organised, such as schools, market places etc.

- Staring common preventing actions with educational institution representatives

- Issuing restricting orders or requirements for initialling the violation procedure against persons who are using or selling explosive devices.

The activities will last from December 2007 until the end of January 2008. The Police Agencies will inform the Bosnian public about its results beforehand.

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