The SDA Party greeted the efforts made by the International Community to bring Bosnia a step closer to the European integrations. They also greeted all the efforts made by the international officials to make Bosnia more efficient and in that sense, the SDA party officials stated that the High Representative’s measures are a necessity.
The Main Board obliged the Party Presidency to make a special analysis of the security situation in Bosnia and in that sense offer concrete suggestions at a special session.
The SDA Party urged Bosnians in Sandzak and Serbia to stop the conflicts.It has been stated that unity of the Bosnians and Islamic Community must not be put into question for the purpose of achieving some selfish personal interests of some politicians.
The SDA Party Main Board accepted the information presented by the party President Sulejman Tihic on the current political situation in Bosnia.
The Board also adopted the Decision on Organization of the SDA Party Association of Women and the Resolution on the Bosnian Language.
The Board passed several special conclusions related to the overall situation in the refugee, displaced persons and returnee sector.
It has been stated that the full implementation of the Annex 7 of the Dayton agreement cannot be made possible until the last displaced person is back home.
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