Sunday, September 16, 2007


SARAJEVO, Bosnia (September 16,2007) – The FBiH Entity House of Representatives held a special session in Sarajevo to discuss the FBiH entity government’s proposal of the budget rebalance.

The FBiH Entity Prime Minister Nedzad Brankovic and the FBiH Entity Finance Minister Vjekoslav Bevanda explained the proposed budget rebalance.

It proposes a budget increase of 140 million Bosnian Marks and according to Branokvic this represents the first step towards the full compatibility of the budget positions with the entity government’s program.

If approved by the FBiH Entity Parliament the Budget will total 1.575.716.529 Bosnian Marks.Most revenues in the current budget come from indirect taxes, budget liquidity has been impeccable so far and it should remain so, Minister Bevanda said.

The budget rebalance proposes a 30 million Bosnian Marks increase for the current reserves.

Welfare, veterans’ protection and the development of the FBIH entity were given top priority in preparing changes to the budget, Brankovic said.

The FBiH Entity Prime Minister Brankovic stressed that the FBiH Entity Parliament is for the first time in a position to consider a budget increase in the amount of 140 million Bosnian Marks.

The FBiH Entity government will probably propose a further budget rebalance in 2008 and it will try to forward to the FBiH Entity Parliament the proposal of the budget for 2008 by the end of October, Brankovic announced.

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