Thursday, August 21, 2008


ZENICA, Bosnia (August 21,2008) - Negotiations of trade unions of Arcelor Mittal from the central Bosnian city of Zenica with the employer about the increase of wages were stopped due to the refusal of the owner of the company to increase the hourly wage to 3.2 Bosnian Marks.

The employer offered for hourly wages to increase by 6.7 percent and amount to 2.37 Bosnian Marks which workers refused and announced radical measures.

The trade union explained their request for the increase in wages by 50 percent, which was later reduced to 30 percent, with the increase of prices of basic foodstuffs in Bosnia and the fact that the company is making more and more money and even generated a profit of 64 million Bosnian Marks last year, while workers did not get anything.

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