Monday, August 4, 2008


SARAJEVO, Bosnia (August 4th,2008) - Bosnians on Friday welcomed the indictment of Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic before the Hague-based United Nations war crimes tribunal and stepped up demands for the abolition of his project, the genocidal Serbian fascist creature in Bosnia "RS".

A move to abolish it has been revived recently by the Bosnian President, Haris Silajdzic.

The Mothers of Srebrenica, which represents relatives of the genocide victims said in a statement that Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic was “just one of the ideologists of the project of genocide”.

Mothers of Srebrenica said that the trial of Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic should be used “not only to determine his individual responsibility for the project of genocide, but also for the correction of the effects of his project (the genocidal Serbian creature in Bosnia 'RS')".

Former leader and creator of the genocidal Serbian creature in Bosnia "RS",Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic has been charged by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) with genocide, extermination, murder, deportation, inhumane acts, and other crimes against Bosnian civilians,committed during the 1992-1995 Serbian aggression against Bosnia.

"Appearing of Radovan Karadžić before The Hague Tribunal, has confirmed that the myth of his heroism and the heroism of his project is utterly unfounded. We have seen Karadžić in his real role, namely the one of war perpetrator who is now humbly facing the justice and not superiorly standing before people whom he and his institutions terrorized for over four years.Radovan Karadžić has been charged with the biggest atrocities done in Europe since WW II. He created a project with the aim of exterminating nations and creating ethnically cleansed territories in a country that had been multiethnic for centuries.",President Silajdzic said in a press release.

"Therefore, the indications that the prosecution has decided to reduce the indictment charging Karadžić with genocide and shorten it just to the case of Srebrenica, are rather concerning. The current indictment charges Radovan Karadžić with genocide against Bosniaks and Croats on the whole territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina including Bosanska Krajina , Posavina, the whole Eastern Bosnia, Bijeljina as well as other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina,where over hundreds of thousands people were killed," President Silajdzic added.

"In earlier cases, the Tribunal found that the elements of genocide were present in those areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. The fact that the Tribunal has not found genocidal intentions in cases of other accused, cannot lead to conclusion that Karadžić did not have such intentions, especially since he announced the genocide against Bosniaks in 1991 and requested permission from the Assembly of Republika Srpska in 1992. By reducing the scope of the indictment, Karadžić would be awarded for the fact that he had refused to appear before the Court for so long. This would cause injustice to all victims of genocide, including both Bosniaks and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina," the Bosnian President Haris Silajdzic said.

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