Wednesday, January 30, 2008


SREBRENICA, Bosnia (January 30,2008) - About 3 million Bosnian Marks have been planned for opening of new jobs in Srebrenica and attraction of new investors into the area, Abdurahman Malkic, Mayor of Srebrenica stated yesterday.

”That is a good motif for potential investors to come to Srebrenica and open new jobs”, he added.

Malkic emphasized that the money is “a direct support of the entity governments and the state budget”. Municipality of Srebrenica will reimburse interests for loans they have been taking in the amount of 200.000 Bosnian Marks per year.

”Although with a tragic past, Srebrenica should become a community of social security and responsible citizens. There are obstacles on the way but I am of the opinion that we will be able to create a better ambience and conditions for living in Srebrenica”, Malkic emphasized.

He added that the aim of the local community in Srebrenica is to balance the development of the area and to define minimal conditions a habituated place needs to fulfil.

”In that context we are planning the development of our area”, he said.

Pre-war Srebrenica was fifth ranked on the development scale in Bosnia. Its economy mainly focused on the use of natural resources. All of them were destroyed during the 1992-1995 Serbian aggression against Bosnia and are no longer functioning.

”Our goal is to reconstruct Srebrenica’s economy and to make sure all ecological standards are applied in the process. We want to make this town attractive for investors and enable easier procedures for new investments”, Malkic said.

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